Sunday, May 15, 2016


There have been multiple instances where I have been involved in microagression, here are a few examples:

1. Being a white passing Puerto Rican, people naturally assume that I am not Hispanic. They pay no attention or take little interest in learning about my background and instead assume that I am white. During the times that I do reveal that I'm Hispanic, I often get the same responses such as, "Really? I never would have guessed!"
"Are you sure? You're too pale to be Hispanic..."
"Do you speak spanish fluently?"
No, I don't speak spanish fluently (unfortunately) but that doesn't mean I'm not Puerto Rican. I'm a proud Puerto Rican and it angers me when people say, "If you don't speak spanish then you don't count"

One time I was in spanish class and sat in a table with this girl who I barely knew, she asked me if I was Hispanic to which I replied that I was. I then added, "I'm not too good at speaking spanish though".

Her: Oh, I thought we were actually going to have an advantage by sitting with a Hispanic girl.

2. Now unlike me, my dad isn't white-passing. There has been multiple instances where my dad has been followed around in stores to make sure he isn't stealing, or people refusing to stand next to him on the train. There was even a time where police officers had stopped him and said he looked like a criminal they were looking for. When shown the picture it was just another Hispanic man, the interesting part was that the man looked nothing like him.

3. Another thing people usually target is my short hair, apparently no girl should have short hair.
I often get told that "Short hair is for boys", "You look like a boy", and even " guys like girls with long hair"
Since I have 'stronger' facial features than most girls I am often confused for one, or people naturally assume I am trying to be one and my hairstyle plays a huge part in it.

It's led me to believe that I when I don't wear makeup I appear more masculine than most. Regardless of what I wear or my how my hair is, I still identify as a girl. I hate that women have to look a certain way in order to be taken seriously.

4. "Your hair would look way better if you straightened it"- classmates in middle school on my naturally curly hair.

5. "Your lips are so big"

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