Sunday, November 22, 2015

Portrait Transformation: Which has a higher value?

Final Product
1. After changing the concept several times, since I couldn't think of solid ideas I finally decided on this one. The concept is basically the values of life, and what society and others believe has more value. As you can see, my hand holding the money is slightly more elevated than the other, it signifies what society sees as more important. As for the opposite hand it represents peace and happiness, which is something I value more than wealth which is why I am looking at it.

Overall I'm not as satisfied with my results, I'd say it came out okay. I think the style of the peace sign and heart make it seem childish which is not what I wanted.
original picture


2. The tools I used were the burn tool, magnetic lasso, filters, layer mask, and image adjustments to fit the photo into the background.  I got the background, the image of money, and the other details incorporated into the final product from google images. I used the burn tool to make the money look darker, and show how  money doesn't assure a person automatic happiness (...or at least for long period of time). I used a mask around the image of myself and erased the background, using the feather brush to get the harder to reach edges. I then used the magnetic lasso for the other images and
made them smaller so that they could fit in the palm of my hand. As for the filters, i chose whichever filter that made it seem like i was actually there.


  1. I love how you changed the lighting of the pictures because it looks like you're actually there and it looks natural. I also like the meaning because even though society seems to value money more, you're looking at the hand with peace and love with a sad face. Your expression alone shows your disappointment in the small amount of love and peace in the world.

  2. This is really cool Marissa! In life there are always ones who favor one thing compared to the other. Yet, that is probably impacted by the way they were raised and the "norms" and "expectations" they had on their backs. Some may believe that money can by happiness. But can it really?

  3. Marissa, your photoshopped final piece is deep and thoughtful. I like how it turned out in the end. I was with you from the beginning of this journey and I love how it turned out. Since you say you are not satisfied with your result, if there was something you could change, what could it be?

  4. I like your concept because it makes think of how your thoughts are different from mine because I value money a lot more than happiness. The idea to have your elevated hand for money shows how money is on a higher level (importance), to the rest of society, than happiness or world peace. Although this is sad, this is true because of how people in society will do things for money not peace.

  5. It is really cool that you're actually thinking about the values of society. I am impressed by how you incorporated these ideas into a single picture.
