Sunday, May 15, 2016


There have been multiple instances where I have been involved in microagression, here are a few examples:

1. Being a white passing Puerto Rican, people naturally assume that I am not Hispanic. They pay no attention or take little interest in learning about my background and instead assume that I am white. During the times that I do reveal that I'm Hispanic, I often get the same responses such as, "Really? I never would have guessed!"
"Are you sure? You're too pale to be Hispanic..."
"Do you speak spanish fluently?"
No, I don't speak spanish fluently (unfortunately) but that doesn't mean I'm not Puerto Rican. I'm a proud Puerto Rican and it angers me when people say, "If you don't speak spanish then you don't count"

One time I was in spanish class and sat in a table with this girl who I barely knew, she asked me if I was Hispanic to which I replied that I was. I then added, "I'm not too good at speaking spanish though".

Her: Oh, I thought we were actually going to have an advantage by sitting with a Hispanic girl.

2. Now unlike me, my dad isn't white-passing. There has been multiple instances where my dad has been followed around in stores to make sure he isn't stealing, or people refusing to stand next to him on the train. There was even a time where police officers had stopped him and said he looked like a criminal they were looking for. When shown the picture it was just another Hispanic man, the interesting part was that the man looked nothing like him.

3. Another thing people usually target is my short hair, apparently no girl should have short hair.
I often get told that "Short hair is for boys", "You look like a boy", and even " guys like girls with long hair"
Since I have 'stronger' facial features than most girls I am often confused for one, or people naturally assume I am trying to be one and my hairstyle plays a huge part in it.

It's led me to believe that I when I don't wear makeup I appear more masculine than most. Regardless of what I wear or my how my hair is, I still identify as a girl. I hate that women have to look a certain way in order to be taken seriously.

4. "Your hair would look way better if you straightened it"- classmates in middle school on my naturally curly hair.

5. "Your lips are so big"

Monday, April 4, 2016

Favorite Logo

A logo from a band that I really love, I have this logo on the merchandise that I own, and it's easily recognizable for the fans that listen to their music.
I really like this logo because I thought the design was pretty cool, and it also gives the idea of what exactly it is representing. For this one, the skull matches the business due to the fact that people who have tattoos are associated with "rock".

This logo also gives the viewer a bit of insight on what the product, or the purpose of the business may be. I think it was clever that they incorporated the use of wheels in the logo.

I mainly chose this one because I thought it was clever of the designer. You can easily spot the '2' in place of the N. 

I thought this one was a bit more simple in comparison to the others, but the shocked face reminds me of a movie reel, which that on its own is pretty funny to me.

This logo was also pretty simple in my opinion. I like this logo merely because I find it rather appealing to the eye.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Poster Project

1). Do you believe your stance is clear within your poster? 
My stance was that people dedicate more of their time to judging people for the illnesses they may have, and not enough actually listening and attempting to help those who need it. I think my stance is interpreted clearly within my poster. I believe the font gives it a more darker vibe, and more emphasis on the wording due to the larger size and switch in colors. The pill bottles represent the bad things being said to the person, that being the reason why they take medication in the first place. Eventually the person winds up overdosing because of the common responses and the aid they do not receive from others. 
2). Do you feel like you were successful in recreating your idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome?
I feel like I was rather successful in recreating my original idea digitally, the only main difference that was pretty noticeable between the drawn draft and the final was that my draft had a girl's hand, and the change in pronouns for the heading. Overall, I'm satisfied with the new visual outcome (both the final and first version can be seen below). I managed to fit more pill bottles than the first version, and put in speech-bubbles like I had originally planned.
3).What were the changes made from your first version to your last version of the poster? Explain.
For starters, there's an obvious difference in the colors used, for the first version I had used only blue while for the last I had separated them into three different sections. I had also used three different fonts for the last version, and on the first I used only one font. Two different fonts for the heading so I could create emphasis on "Maybe I'm Better Off Dead" since I believe it was the most important part of the poster besides the actual visuals.  
4). Which category do you think your project is strongest in?
I think my strength is concept, it's not confusing and it is very clear along with the images used, and the image that I provided is very powerful in my opinion. I think my the weakest could possibly be the design just because I can see how the separation of colors was not incorporated creatively like the other posters I had seen.
5).What was the most challenging part conceptually? 
I think the most challenging part was trying to figure out a way to convey my stance into an actual memorable image. There are a lot of posters that mention suicide and depression, that don't have people walking away thinking about it, which is the complete opposite of what I want when people look at mine.
Figuring out how to use text-wrap, it took me a while and it still looks a bit strange to me.
Original Poster

Final Poster

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Stance

There's a rather large variety of topics that circulate on my feed, most of which revolve around social justice issues. I take part in educating myself on these particular problems that occur around the world that impact myself, as well as my fellow peers.

I think one of the biggest things that I feel strongly about is feminism, intersectional feminism to be precise. I think one of the biggest misconceptions of feminism is that 'all feminists are against men'/ in support of misandry which is completely untrue. Feminism is fighting for equality among women and men. Intersectional feminism is fighting for equality among both genders, race, religion, as well as sexuality. I just want everyone to be educated on the topic of feminism and what it truly means to be an active feminist. 

I am also really interested in discussing racial discrimination and how it still is (and most likely, always will be) an issue that exists. I think this is a topic that I tend to argue a lot about with people, who majority of the time just don't seem to understand why certain things are racist. Cultural appropriation specifically, is something people just don't seem to grasp.