Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Summer

Hi my name is Marissa, I'm a Puerto Rican sixteen year old girl who has an obsession with bands and Halsey! Music is everything to me, it's my way of escape and it fascinates me how just a song can easily make someone feel as though they aren't alone, or give them a reason to smile. I'm a proud feminist and I hope that one day my capability of being able to do something will no longer be based off of my gender or race. 

Now onto the main point of this particular post, my summer vacation:

East River
 I have to admit my summer was pretty boring, I didn't travel like most people had or explore the city with friends. I stayed home majority of the time, and played video games. So it was pretty uneventful. The picture shown above was taken in the East River. That day I had gone with my mom, older sister, and a cousin to have a picnic. I remember how we had blasted music and I had practiced skateboarding for a bit. Although it was pretty hot that day I had a great time and enjoyed spending time with family. It was nice to get out for once :)
The view of a sunset outside of my building
 I had gone out with my parents right before the sunset to get ice cream. We sat in front of our building at the park and watched it. The colors were so pretty so I had to take a picture. It was a nice night, and a good family moment.
In front of my cousin's house
I remember I was looking outside of my cousin's window, and I thought the view was really pretty. It was a beautiful day outside, and I loved how house in front was covered by trees only showing the roof. I was with family at the time, guiltily ignoring them as I took this. It was rather refreshing to be out of the city for once :)